Sign It

About Sign It

In the era of globalization, information technology has become an integral part of every aspect of society. This has created the need for a transparent, real-time information management system with high-security features to protect a product from counterfeiting. In anticipation of the increasingly competitive business landscape in digital security, Peruri, an experienced player in the field of national security document protection, has undergone a business transformation in the digital security platform domain. This transformation ensures the authenticity and security of a product for a better future in Indonesia.

Our Visi Misi

Visi :

Becoming a world-class digital security platform/application.

Misi :

1. Providing an easy and authentic digital document security platform/application.
2. Creating business opportunities within the digital security platform ecosystem for partners.
3. Offering enterprise customers ease in managing secure and efficient digital documents.

Sign it Product

Digital Product

Digital Certificate

An electronic certificate issued to users containing an Electronic Signature, an identity indicating the legal status of parties in electronic transactions, issued by Peruri as the Electronic Certification Authority (ECA).


Peruri Sign or Perisai is a signature containing electronic information that can be used as a tool for verification and authentication. Perisai also meets the requirements for trustworthy electronic documents based on Indonesian Law Number 11 of 2008.

Keyla (Token Authenticator)

The Key for Digital Authentication (KEYLA) is a multifactor authentication in the form of a secure dynamic token that can be used as a One Time Password for verification in a service. Keyla utilizes a tokenization system to secure the OTP system and is a One Time ID that changes every 45 seconds, ensuring security for its users.

Peruri Tera

Peruri’s service that guarantees the authenticity of an electronic document formed as an electronic stamp generated from the secure Peruri Seal.

Electronic Meterai


Stamps used for electronic documents. Based on the e-Stamp provisions of Law Number 10 of 2020 of the Republic of Indonesia, replacing the Stamp Duty Law Number 13 of 1985. Thus, the position of electronic documents is equated with paper documents. This necessitates equal treatment between paper and electronic documents.

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